What to do when a GL Out of Balance is reported in the Cash Manager Bank Reconciliation screen or report.

  1. The GL Period in the Bank Rec screen could be incorrect.
    1. Open the Bank Reconciliation screen and verify that the GL Period is the one that ends on the date found in Reconciliation Date.
    2. If the GL Period is incorrect, modify the GL Period
  2. There may be batches that have not been posted in GL.
    1. Verify that all batches for the period have been posted in the GL Post Transactions screen.
  3. The CuryAcct table may have an incorrect value which is displayed in the Bank Reconciliation screen.
    1. Note the GL Balance reported in the Bank Rec screen.
    2. Compare the amount from step 3-1 to the GL | Account History screen.
    3. If the GL Balance in the Bank Reconciliation screen is different from the GL Balance in the Account History screen, the problem is in the CuryAcct.YTDBalXX database table/field.
  4. Data entry error.
    1. If the GL Balance in the Bank Reconciliation screen is the same as the GL Balance in the Account History screen, the problem is likely a data entry error.
    2. Run the Bank Reconciliation report – Detail format and refer to the Statement to GL Exceptions section.
    3. Review the Daily Cash Balances screen and look for items with a period to post inconsistent with the transaction date.
    4. Review the Detail GL report for the cash account/sub for inappropriate document types such as VO, AD, CM, DM, IN. If the cash account is entered into the grid when one of these document types is being entered, Cash Manager will not see the entry. Appropriate document types are CK, HC, NS, VC and PA.
  5. Print the Detail GL report for the cash account and sub and compare to the Daily Cash Balances report – Detail format to verify that all items that posted to the cash account also updated Cash Manager.