If an invalid year/period to post value is found by Management Reporter in the SL application database(s) it will add it to the MR data mart and can cause this error.
Using the SQL select statements below, confirm that the date values returned refer to only valid years. There should not be any blank values or anything too far in the past (1920 for example) or too far into the future (2080 for example).
select distinct fiscyr from gltran order by fiscyr
select distinct fiscyr from accthist order by fiscyr
select distinct fiscyr from curyacct order by fiscyr
select distinct perpost from gltran order by perpost
If invalid values are revealed they should be reviewed individually to determine how they can be updated/corrected. Once corrected, the MR data mart configuration/database should be removed/recreated.
If invalid values are not revealed it is still recommended to remove/recreate the MR data mart configuration/database in an attempt to resolve.