Sometimes, Crystal Reports developers are asking themselves a question: “Is the records’ register taken into consideration?” In other words, if a user requests records with a value of “USA” in the country field, whether the system returns records where country field contains characters in mixed case, for example, “Usa”?
A register is generally not taken into account when using SQL database or computer database (via the ODBC Interface), and also some databases running straight through the driver. Although, this case insensitivity is standard behavior for SQL databases, it is better to check the option ‘Database Server Is Case-Insensitive’ (the database server is not case sensitive) in the Report Options dialog box for the current report:
Or on the Database tab – Advanced Options in the Options window for all reports to be created in the future:
Even when this option is selected, some databases and drivers still do not support case insensitivity in Crystal Reports. It is better to test your database in this regard, to ensure that all the expected entries are extracted.